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Illness can appear in the energy field years before it appears in the body. Now for the first time ever we can scientifically assess the field with the Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Camera.


The GDV Bio Well technology is based on the computer analysis of electro-photonic emissions of biological objects (specifically the human fingers) resulting from placing the object in the high-intensity electromagnetic field on the device lens. The image created by the GDV Camera is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Chakra system and verified by 18 years of clinical experience with many thousands of patients. The scanning process on each finger tip is easy and non-invasive.

The EPC/GDV technique is accepted by Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and certified in Europe. More than 2000 doctors, practitioners, and researchers benefit from using this technology worldwide. More than 250 papers are published on GDV across the world.



GDV BIO-WELL CAMERA was developed by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov who researched and developed a powerful technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization technique (GDV), which is based on Kirlian photography. Dr. Korotkov is a Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia. He is a leading scientist internationally renowned for his pioneering research on the human energy field. 


The GDV camera and accompanying software allow to quickly and easily conduct human energy scans. Environment and object scans can also be performed. Please call our office at 732-623-9846 if you are interested in any of these services.




GDV Camera captures energy distribution and alignment of your chakras. There are 7 chakras or integrated energy centers that are considered to affect physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These energy “disks” are positioned or embedded into the spinal column at various locations starting at the coccyx and rising to the crown of the head. Each chakra is considered to resonate at a different frequency level.


The software quantitatively estimates the energy of chakras and graphically displays their level of activation. It indicates whether this level of activation is above or below the level found from large numbers of subjects.


The most important in evaluation is chakras distribution. Ideally, they should be aligned along the central line of a spinal cord. But it is not easy to find a situation like this – typically chakras are shifted from the central position. In this case, several chakras are misaligned and their size is much less than in the ideal case. When people have strong stress, depression, very bad mood, chakras may be out of order.


In Ayurvedic texts, you may find the description of different properties associated with chakras. This material is presented in the Report, generated by the program with suggested actions.


The energy of chakras and graphically displays their level of activation. It indicates whether this level of activation is above or below compared to the optimal level of apparently healthy people. Energy healing interventions performed in our office help to balance all systems and organs in the body so it can heal itself from the within. 

Chakra alignment, energy field, biofield scan



The Health Status program performs analysis of the functional state of the human body. it calculates the integral parameters of energy distribution in organs and compares this data with reference parameters of an apparently healthy people listed in the database. The obtained data is displayed in a graphic form as circle diagrams.


The healthy energy level corresponds to the green ring in the middle. The inner circle is the area of energy deficiency (hypo-energy state). The outer ring is the area of energy excess (hyper-energy state). The diagrams are divided into the sectors related to a certain part of the human body.


Energy Reserve demonstrates the level of energy in both in Joules and in % related to the Database of healthy people, measured from 0 to 100%.


  • 0 – 20% - low energy (may be related to energy deficiency, as well as to meditative state)

  • 20% – 60% - typical energy

  • 60% – 100% - high energy



During the bio-scan, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips. Human response to this stimulus is the production of the light energy photons. This electronic energy production is invisible to the human eye but can be captured by the GDV camera, translated, and transmitted back in a graphical form to show energy, stress and other health parameters. The use of amazing technology allows reading and interpreting Human Energy Field based on the biofield of each finger.


GDV technology makes it possible to detect and observe light around the human body and transform analog information into the data that can be analyzed, applied and shared toward the integral wellness of the entire body.



Stress is a multifaceted factor that has an emotional, physical and environmental component that results from extended exposure to constant anxiety. Stress has a serious impact on Human Energy Field. Through the use of the specialized software, GDV instrument makes a quantifiable assessment of the anxiety level a 10-point scale:


  • 0-2 – very calm, relaxed people that may be due to several factors: deep meditation, full of inner peace, the influence of psychedelics, and a deep sleep in a quiet phase, chronic depression or in some cases inflammation.

  • 2-4 – normal quiescent state.

  • 4-6 – the excited state characteristic of active work, excitement, intense activity.  

  • 6-8 – high level of stress. The reaction to a previous stressful situation (an unpleasant conversation, illness, failure in the training process, driving in stressful conditions, etc.). Increased nervousness, accumulated over long periods of time stress, emotional stress, autonomic dysfunction. The state of overtraining, fatigue, risk of injury.

  • 8-10 – a very high level of stress, the peak of excitement.



Every person's life is influenced by rhythmic biological cycles that affect his or her ability in various domains, such as mental, physical and emotional activity. These cycles begin at birth and oscillate in a steady (sine wave) fashion throughout life, and by modeling them mathematically, it is suggested that a person's level of ability in each of these domains can be predicted from day to day.


A biorhythm is a prediction of various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles. This theory is built on the idea that the biofeedback chemical and hormonal secretion functions within the body could show a sinusoidal behavior over time. The GDV software generates your personal biorhythm diagram for each life cycle.


Your physical, emotional, and intellectual biorhythms will be calculated during your consultation. This information is extremely useful when scheduling specific activities or events around your body's personal energy cycles.

"The Biofield scan indicated there was an issue with my thyroid. I have been following up on this issue and it turned out there was a problem. I was referred to a doctor by Irina. My physician wanted to do further testing. If I didn't get the Biofield scan, I would not have followed up on this problem." 

~ Debbie M., Store Clerk, South Amboy, NJ



Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public 5 awareness in the late 20th century based on results that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity, and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.


The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject’s ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain.

Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves and have been reported to reduce anxiety and to provide other health benefits such as control over pain.


Based on your scan results, a unique music file is generated by the Biowell software. This file contains Binaural beats that help to shift and correct your energy state as well as balance your body through the use of high frequencies.

Click the PLAY control below to listen to the sample of the Binaural music generated by the GDV software. 

(NOTE: Please don't listen while driving).

Binaural Beats - GDV Software

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