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Discover the Person You Were Born to Be!

Would you like to discover your life purpose, understand yourself, improve your relationships, find your right work, and get healthier—easily and without compromising who you are?

Human Design gives you the information you need to start living joyfully and intentionally, to find strength and abundance so you can thrive no matter what's going on around you. Human Design has helped people learn to love themselves, improve their self-esteem, live authentically, and act with awareness, deliberation, and courage.


With Human Design you learn to leverage your energy correctly to avoid becoming overwhelmed, despairing, and burned out. Human Design shows you how you understand and “know” things, and it teaches you how to honor and express your feelings so you are never a victim of emotional pain and suffering again.


A synthesis of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the Hindu chakra system, and quantum physics, Human Design is a relatively new science of self-discovery. The entire system was transmitted to Robert Alan Krakower during a mystical experience in Ibiza, Spain, from January 3–11, 1987. A voice told him that this system was crucial to helping people on the planet make vital shifts in consciousness for the evolution of mankind. Krakower emerged from this experience a changed man, and soon after he changed his name to Ra Uru Hu.


Ra was told that while he was one of few people who consciously received the information about Human Design, the energy of the system was transmitted to all of us, and it belongs to all of humanity. He was a reluctant messenger and mystic, but he spent the rest of his life sharing the theory of Human Design.


His courage has helped people discover who they really are, what they are here to do, and how they can go about living an authentic and abundant life. Human Design is not a religion. It doesn't matter whether you come from a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or metaphysical background. Knowing your Human Design simply helps you know how to become the person you were created to be in an easy and joyful way.


Though the Human Design system is complex, and it can take years to learn how to create a body graph and chart on your own, the ideas behind the system are actually pretty simple. Your personal Human Design body chart, calculated from your birth data, gives you very specific knowledge about your personality traits, your health, your personal psychology, your talents, your wisdom, and your vulnerabilities. Once you discover your unique energies, and you are able to differentiate between the energy you create versus the energy you absorb from the world around you, you can start immediately making powerful decisions that will help you create a life that is in alignment with who you truly are.


This course will show you how you can realize your inner authority about what is correct for your unique life. In class 1, we will cover the basics of Human Design—what it is and how you can begin to read your chart to effect change in your life from day one. In classes 2-5, we'll look at types, centers, and profiles. These are three key aspects of Human Design. And in class 6, we'll put it all together and go out into the world with this new perspective.


Human Design is not about changing yourself. It simply gives you the tools to journey back to a deeper understanding of your gifts, your wisdom, your drive, and your vulnerabilities, which can set you free from old, self-defeating patterns of thinking and the judgment of others. It gives you a new perspective so you can see the beauty and magnificence of who you truly are. When you understand yourself, you can make choices about your life that are in alignment with your true nature.


When you work with your true nature, your life becomes a much smoother ride. And once you approach life with ease, you get to live out the beauty of your true self! It's all connected.


The knowledge of your Human Design will set you free and give you the information and the confidence to live a life without limits and find your perfect place in the puzzle of humanity.


To begin, get your free chart HERE. Once you have entered your data, you will receive your chart within 24 hours. Then get ready for the journey of your life!

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Cource Details



This course is a complete video recording of the Understanding Your Design  live program taught by Irina Maryanchik at the Spiritual Beauty Center in Highlands, NJ in March 2019. 

With this course, you can tailor the classroom experience to your own schedule, get the benefit of Irina's personalized coaching and reap the rewards of this success tool without missing a beat.


The program provides a comprehensive step-by-step training resource designed to build your skills and confidence in understanding your Human Design Bodygraph, Nine Energy Centers, Not-Self Themes of each energy center, and open and defined aspects of each center, 


This program containing six modules that provides you the tools to maximizing success in all aspects of your personal and professional life, as well as the lives of those around you, all on your own time. 


This training gives you in-depth, foundational knowledge of the revolutionary success tool that has helped thousands of our clients rapidly accelerate their professional, financial and personal growth. Because it's designed to support you in your personal evolution, getting to the core of individual desires, revealing success principles, and decision-making strategies, Human Design is uniquely positioned to become the next breakthrough in the personal growth and business success movement.


Program covers the key principles of the Human Design System. It teaches you how to start living your design and begin transforming your life.


Students' charts analysis is performed in every class using each participant's information and guidance shared as an understanding of the individual design unfolds. A comprehensive understanding is gained in how to introduce the mechanics and guide others in positive directions for self-empowerment. We will also review the charts of your family members, children, partners, and parents. Each class will be intriguing, interactive, exciting and informative.





Module 1:

- Five Energy Types: Manifestors, Generators, M.Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors

- The interaction between energy types

- Strategy and Authority for each energy type

- Review and analysis of students' profiles, group discussion, Q/A.

Module 2: 

- Biology and Function of Human Design Energy Centers

- G Center - Love and Direction

- Ego Center - Material World, Money, and Self-worth

- Defined and Undefined

- Mechanics of conditioning and homogenization

- The not-self themes

- Review and analysis of students' profiles, group discussion, Q/A.

Module 3:

       - Pressure Centers

       - Biology and Function of Human Design Energy Centers

- Root Center - pressure and adrenaline

- Solar Plexus  Center - emotions, mutation

- Self and not-self themes of the Energy Centers

- Review and analysis of students' profiles, group discussion, Q/A.

Module 4:

       - Awareness centers

       - Mutation of the Solar Plexus center

       - Strategies to begin the reconditioning process

- Review and analysis of students' circuits, group discussion, Q/A.

Module 5:

- Throat  Center - Expression and Manifestation

- Ajna Center - Thought Process

- Crown Center - Ideas Inspiration 

- Review and analysis of students' circuits, group discussion, Q/A.

- Energy Centers Integration Strategies

Module 6: 

- Sacral Center - reproductive System

- Spleen Center - Immune system, survival, fears

- Material Integration and group Q/A​

- Review and analysis of students' charts, group discussion

- Self-reflection, integration, and next steps









A 75-minutes Human Design Connection Chart Private Consultation for you and one additional person of your choosing (Value: $220). 


This consultation will help you discover your compatibility with your partner or a family member and reveal the harmonic, compromising and electromagnetic channels. The consultation also includes a 12-page report describing your dilemmas and how to overcome them, as well as creating joy in your relationship. What's included: 


  • Private 75-minute phone consultation

  • Call recording in mp3 format

  • A 12-page Connections & Compatibility Report



Human Design Beginners' Guide (Value:$25). 


This is your online reference e-book, which explains in detail: 


  • What is Human Design and how to start living your design

  • Nine Energy Centers and their themes

  • Human Design Planets and their influences on the human body

  • Conscious and Unconscious activations in the chart

  • Four energy types and their strategies

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All the resources, tools, and recording of the classes you missed (Value: $120).


And if you can’t attend live, you’ll have access to recorded versions, so you won’t miss a beat with your learning and you can still submit your questions and charts for review!

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It's highly recommended that you have your Human Design Chart available while going though your training. You can order your FREE HUMAN DESIGN CHART HERE.



If you have questions or would like to speak to us, please call us at 732-623-9846, email us at or use THIS CONTACT FORM to submit your inquiry.  



  • PROGRAM COST: $497.00 


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Ariel Gamboa Bumanlag, Co-founder of

"The information that Irina shared with me during my Human Design reading session was simply mind-blowing! For the first time in my life I was able to understand why I see things differently and why others can't see the way I see life... it's because I simply have the ability see through challenges as my 5 of 6 centers are open and activated. I was able to find out how to be of service with others: family, relationships, friends, work, society and community in such a way that would be most beneficial for everyone involved. I was able to know why I love helping others and this session has helped me determine the most important reason why I came here on this planet – My Life's Purpose! 

Every single information shared was amazingly accurate. I was able to digest every aspect of what she shared because she provided simple, clear and realistic examples in the process. I would encourage everyone to get your Human Design reading with Irina – it's transformational, accurate and life-changing! Now I truly have “my guide” so I can live my life to the fullest!"

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Joyce Virani, Professional Model, QIGONG Teacher 

"Irina was able to explain very clearly and with such care what Human Design is and what it means for me. She has given me such great insight as to who I am designed to be and where my challenges and where my gifts are. This information will help me in my growth and has given me a lot to think about as to where I want to direct my energy to and where my learning areas are. 


Irina is kind in her delivery which is so important with the information she shares. My only wish is that I wish I would have taken this session with her sooner. Because this information is so important for everybody to know. 

I know she teaches classes in Human Design as well and I am excited to join her in the future there. I cannot recommend Irina highly enough."


 Linda Kaun, Inner Leadership Coaching

"Irina helped me understand my own power of being a Reflector – the most uncommon of all the Human Design types. The Human Design system is very deep and there’s a lot of information to grasp. She broke down the teachings into bite-sized pieces to take it step by step. Then guided me to see how it actually applied in my life through self-reflection exercises. 

Underneath it all, I felt her big, open heart and her own knowledge of how this could really help me live a more balanced life. One where I’m more at peace within myself. And out of that, where I can step fully into the role that a Reflector is here to play for others. 
One huge insight was that I thought I had a fear of being visible. And I could see how much I’d played small in my life. Turns out, a Reflector is afraid of being Invisible! We so often become the thing we fear the most. That was a huge opening for me.
Thank you Irina for waking me up to a new awareness about who I am and what my true potential is. "

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